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It All Comes to An End

English: Membership of the United States House...

English: Membership of the United States House of Representatives with number. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We certainly won’t forget about the other third of our government in this election so we will do a quick recap of the legislative branch as well. In the House of Representatives the Republicans had the opportunity to pick up 29 seats which would have helped them tremendously in their upcoming troubles. We’ll delve more into it after the break. Read more…

Florida Turns Blue

Bayfront in Blues

Miami Bayfront in Blues (Photo credit: deep shot)

Florida‘s votes have finally been tallied and it’s official, Obama has won that state too! Obama has now officially won in a landslide 332 to Romney‘s 206. This has been one of the largest wins in my generation’s presidential history. It’s quite fascinating that a man that was behind in the polls won the election in such a landslide.

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Obama Wins!

Official photographic portrait of US President...

Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Obama has finally won the election! The next President of the United States of America continues to be our current president, Barack Obama. A few hours after Obama had won Ohio, Romney officially gave Obama a phone call and conceded the election the his opponent. More details after the break! Read more…

Ohio Runs Blue

Map of Ohio highlighting Hamilton County

Map of Ohio highlighting Hamilton County (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ohio surprisingly fell early to Obama where Karl Rove had guaranteed it would go red. Well Karl, I’ve got some unfortunate news for you buddy, it went blue and people aren’t going to be happy with you. This is almost certainly a dagger to Romney where he absolutely needed Ohio this late in the game. Read more…

Night #1 of the Election

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R >20 R 10–20 R 3–10 R ❤ to D ❤ D 3–10 D 10–20 D >20 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Well we’re in the first night of the election and the race isn’t in a dead heat right now. Romney has a large advantage over Obama as he picks up the small red states that always go to Republicans. Romney has at least a 50 point lead over Obama right now and a lead this early on in the race is typically common for Republicans as the states to first report in often always turn red. Read more…

Election Day is Here!


Vote (Photo credit: Vaguely Artistic)

Today is election day so make sure you get out there and vote! Romney still holds that one point advantage but we will finally see today if he can hold it off! The most important thing that you do, if you do anything today, is go out there and vote. But make sure you are educated first! Don’t blindly guess who or what to vote for! Read more…

Almost There!

Election Day 9

Election Day (Photo credit: Oscalito)

It’s almost election day and the polls have gotten a lot closer since we last checked in with them. Romney and Obama are pretty much split with the polls with the biased polls giving their candidate the one point lead over their opposing candidate. Who will win? I’m not sure but let’s look at a few things before the election day… Read more…

GOP Backs Akin’s Remarks

Former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, speak...

Former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, speaking to a gathering at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The GOP, in a shocking turn of events, has backed up Todd Akin‘s remarks by supporting his thoughts and expanding on the thought process behind Akin’s remarks. This is an absolute travesty as the GOP has potentially lost all their marbles. How in the world can they be supporting a man making these sorts of comments about rape?!

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The GOP Attacks Women

, member of the United States House of Represe...

GOP Missouri Representative, Todd Akin, has made some alarming comments about rape and how rape goes about. This representative from Missouri has suggested differences between “legit” rape and regular rape. How he is a representative, I’m not sure, but we’ll delve into these new developments after the break… Read more…

Getting Close

Presidential Election 2012 Vector Sticker

We are getting awfully close to the November 6 presidential election and neither campaign is showing any signs of slowing down. Both presidents are leading in some polls but not the other. Mitt Romney definitely has the advantage though with a few more number of pulls giving him the advantage.

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